Audition FAQs


Where are auditions held?

MUSE Auditions are held at Community Matters at 2104 Saint Michael Street, Lower Price Hill, Cincinnati.

When are auditions?

Auditions are held annually in September.

What is the audition like?

Auditions are scheduled in 15-minute increments. Upon your arrival, a small group of singing members will meet you to answer questions and get to know you before your vocal audition. This informal interview is considered an integral part of your audition. You are expected to select and sing one piece for your vocal audition. This piece can be any style you are comfortable with. You can sing your solo accompanied, (an accompanist is provided and please bring a copy of the music for the accompanist), a cappella or you may accompany yourself (guitar, tape, etc). Memorization is optional. You will do a vocal warm-up as part of the audition and be asked to sight-sing a portion of another song. Sight-singing is not a requirement for acceptance as a singing member. Additionally, you will sing with other singers to hear your voice blend. Relax! It will be fun.

When will I know if I made it?

You will receive a call in the days soon after your audition, whether you are invited to become a member or not. More information about our schedule, your assigned Buddy, and other important details will be sent to you.

How many singers is MUSE looking for?

MUSE always strives to represent diversity within our membership and we encourage all ages, ethnicities, backgrounds, sexual preferences, and musical styles to audition. The choir tries to maintain membership at 60-70, with balanced voice parts. For the 42nd season, MUSE is specifically looking for Soprano 1 and Alto 2 voice parts.

Where does MUSE rehearse?

MUSE rehearsals are held at Community Matters at 2104 Saint Michael Street, in Lower Price Hill.

What is expected of me as a member of MUSE?

Rehearsals are 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. on Mondays. This year we will produce 2 major concerts and have 10 or more run-outs (community performances). The expectation is that every singing member will participate in the concert and 70% of the run-out events. 

What kind of support can I expect in MUSE?

Several people in the choir are available to help you learn about MUSE and are committed to making your first year as easy and enjoyable as possible. Each section has a music section leader and a membership section leader. Each new member is assigned a “buddy” who will be the one to explain, remind and provide support for you when you need it. The artistic and administrative staff are also available to assist you.