We’re proud to have you stand with us.
What was true in 1984 is still true today:
our musical message of social justice in Cincinnati would be silenced without you.
Donate to MUSE
As a 501c3 nonprofit organization, contributions from our generous supporters and fans are what keeps the music and mission of MUSE alive! These donations help pay for musical commissions, development, and operating expenses, and allow us to continue to provide Musical Excellence, Unity, Social Justice, and Empowerment within our community - and beyond!
Donors at all levels will receive a playbill listing unless they choose to remain anonymous.
Sponsor a Season or Concert
If you would like to help underwrite a season or concert, we would love to hear from you!
We love to sing out in the community!
Would your event be enhanced with a song?
MUSE does its best to accommodate all types of requests, with emphasis placed on events that promote a more peaceful and socially-just world.
Advertise with MUSE
MUSE is a well-known arts organization that is respected throughout the world. One of the oldest women's choirs of its kind, MUSE has tasked itself for nearly 40 years to reach out to a diverse range of social, political, cultural, and ethnic groups, touching on timely issues through a repertoire that is dedicated to musical excellence and social change. Our audience is very loyal to both our organization and our advertisers.